Student Employment

Fueling Success Through Access to On-The-Job Experience

Thousands of students work on campus each year in need-based, non-need-based and student hourly roles. These students are compensated for their time, all while picking up valuable experience. On-campus departments and entities are able to post positions for students, leading to powerful partnerships. Off-campus employers are also able to seek student workers in hourly roles.

How We Fuel Your Success

Need-Based Work Study

Subsidized by federal, state or institutional funds.

These positions are awarded first and foremost to students who will benefit greatly from the opportunity to earn a paycheck to their college degree. Awards range between $750 and $3,000 each semester.

Need-Based Work Study

Non-Need-Based Work Study

Subsidized by state or institutional funds.

These positions are awarded to students enrolled in at least six credits who would like to work to help pay for their tuition. Awards range between $750 and $2,500 each semester.

Non-Need-Based Work Study

Student Hourly Employment

Professional development opportunities and so much more.

More than 1200 students are employed year-round in roles crucial to our University’s success. These students are hired based on individual qualifications and skills and are trained on the job.

Student Hourly Employment

Learning Essential Skills Outside the Classroom

  1. Learn professionalism and how to work in a serious setting.
  2. Take away important understandings on integrity, diversity and service.
  3. Learn problem solving skills in a fast-paced setting.
  4. Mentorship opportunities for students looking for experience.
  5. Master consistency, timeliness and other crucial skills.
  6. Work for a good cause. UCCS is a nonprofit entity.

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