February 16th Incident Report
Executive Summary
In March, Chancellor Sobanet requested that the Office of University Counsel engage independent legal counsel to help the campus gain a more complete understanding of the facts leading up to and including the incident that occurred on Feb. 16 and to review relevant campus policies and procedures.
In response to this request, the Office of the University Counsel retained the law firm of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck to conduct the review. The Brownstein team was led by Jason Dunn, a former U.S. Attorney and Colorado Deputy Attorney General, and John Suthers, a former U.S. Attorney, Colorado Attorney General and 4th Judicial District Attorney.
The campus requested that the independent review include the following:
- A review of campus response leading up to the incident.
- Recommendations for any policy or process changes needed in regard to that response.
- A review of campus response following the incident.
- Recommendations for any policy or process changes needed in regard to that response.
At the time of the commissioning of the report, campus leadership pledged to make an executive summary, including any policy and process recommendations, available to all. However, because of the importance of this incident to our community and our shared desire to better understand what happened, UCCS leadership has decided to release the full report.
Ultimately, this review found that there are ways in which the campus can improve processes and policies, as well as enhance existing trainings. Many of the recommendations have already been implemented or are in the process of being implemented, and all will be integrated into the university’s future plans. You can see each report recommendation and the campus response in this executive summary, as well as on the webpage below.
As you look at the report, it’s important to note two key points:
- While the review finds improvements the campus can and will make, it does not find that any individual at the university was responsible for a violation of policy or that anyone knowingly contributed to this tragic outcome.
- UCCS strives to apply the highest standards of training and response to campus safety. Even with that effort, this report highlights how difficult it can be to distinguish between routine, persistent roommate conflicts and issues of a more dangerous nature. Roommate conflicts are not unusual on a college campus and are regularly resolved through education and mediation.
Recommendations & Responses
The campus was already in the process of migrating to a better system for tracking multiple student issues prior to the tragedy. The more robust Maxient software, which allows more comprehensive and easy-to-use tracking, has been in place as of August 1, 2024, for the Office of the Dean of Students CARE Team, basic needs, conduct, and residence life reporting purposes. The CARE Team has reported that the new system allows for easier tracking of individual student issues and greater information sharing with a larger number of campus units. The CARE Team has also seen an increase of faculty reports since implementation due to a better user interface. Staff are receiving ongoing training to ensure they are using it to its fullest capacity.
In fall 2023, the Office of the Dean of Students initiated a full policy review and began revising the procedures (including CARE Team membership, roles and documentation), with the original plan including full campus review in the spring 2024. However, because of the February 16 incident, the Dean of Students paused that review in order to incorporate any lookback recommendations. Now that the lookback has been completed, these suggestions will be incorporated into the ongoing work. The Office of the Dean of Students will send the final review to the campus community in the spring 2025 semester.
As discussed in response to recommendation number 2, an analysis is already underway to expand the membership of the CARE Team. As part of that, a member of University Counsel will be added as a core member. This will be communicated to the campus community along with the other recommendations, including more expanded membership, in the spring 2025.
The new Maxient reporting system was designed with the NaBita threat assessment tool in mind, so the fields in the system correlate with that tool. These fields allow CARE Team members to capture more details of student discussions, allowing for easier tracking and documentation.
Since the incident, the Dean of Students Office has added two additional staff members. The individuals are assigned to both prepare documentation for ongoing CARE Team cases and review each file prior to closure to ensure it is complete.
The Dean of Students Office is currently recording a video to be posted online that will explain the types of behavior to report and how to report. Additionally, some expanded in-person trainings on Maxient will be held in spring 2025. The CARE Team will collaboratively build the training plan for recommended use at all levels, including New Employee Orientation and college-level meetings. The University also currently offers a Skillsoft training for all employees to help members of the campus community identify behaviors of concern in both our student and employee populations.
As a part of the Student Affairs and Enrollment Management reorganization that took place over spring and summer 2024, the University hired an external consultant to make recommendations to address low occupancy and low retention rates in housing. The consultant has reviewed the contract, handbook, and internal standard operating procedures and made several recommendations throughout the fall 2024 semester. Some of these recommendations addressed responding to conflicts between roommates and the University's process for handling those complaints. The consultant’s work will be finalized this month. The University has already adopted several of the recommendations as they have been made throughout the fall 2024 semester. The University will continue to evaluate the need for additional changes for fall 2025.
The University provided increased conflict management training for RAs in fall 2024, providing more foundational knowledge as well as more practice through role playing. As the University continues its reorganization of Residence Life and Housing, and implementation of the consultant’s recommendations referenced in response to recommendation number 7, the University anticipates engaging in a complete overhaul of RA training for fall 2025.
In addition to the trainings listed in response to recommendation number 6, all Residence Life staff have been trained in Maxient. Housing staff are currently being trained in Maxient as a result of the departmental reorganization announced in November 2024. All housing staff will be proficient in Maxient in the spring 2025 semester. Annual conduct training will also contain more targeted instructions for investigations.
We have recently hired Kris Parsons as the new Emergency Operations Manager. He has already begun a review of the Emergency Operations Plan. Every department that has a role in the plan from 2016 is reviewing their listed expectations and capabilities and providing changes by December 16, 2024. Those changes will be made and an updated plan submitted for approval by the Chancellor in spring 2025, with ongoing revisions made as needed.
The University values its strong and positive relationships with local law enforcement. As part of our new Police Chief Diana Cooley’s onboarding which began on Oct. 1, we are reviewing our MOUS with those agencies to ensure they are operational.
The University has increased the frequency of tabletop exercises since the incident. With the release of the updated emergency operations plan, the training subcommittee will establish a plan for regular trainings, with a goal of holding an exercise once per quarter. According to the Federal Emergency Management Administration and the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program, a training exercise schedule should only be created after the approval of the EOP, as that is the foundation document off of which the trainings are based.
Currently, the alerts.uccs.edu page has multiple pages (“Emergency Actions and What They Mean,” “How We Notify You and What It Means”) that go over the meaning of each type of message. The Emergency Operations Manager is currently reviewing options to put links in texts to expand messages past character limit, allowing for greater detail. The Emergency Operations Manager also currently speaks at orientation and other campus preparedness events/classes where he will cover this content.
Students Affairs is in the process of updating its SmartMove presentation for GPS first
year students, revising that in coordination with Police. That training will include the
Run/Hide/Fight video and additional education on the terminology. The Skillsoft training
described in response to recommendation number 6 also contains information on terminology.
Contact UCCS
Wellness Resources
- CARE Team (Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation): You can report to the CARE Team in the Dean of Students Office that addresses concerns related to students’ safety and wellbeing, and we support students in times of challenge and crisis. The CARE Team assesses and responds to reported concerns or disruptions, and has resources for students to maintain their safety, health and wellbeing. The CARE Team evaluates whether individuals pose a risk to themselves or others. You can make a report to the Care Team here.
- Wellness Center: You can access confidential mental health and physical health services. The mental health services include individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, crisis/emergency interventions and consultation sessions for UCCS students. You can access these services here.
- TELUS Health Student Support app is a free, confidential mental health and wellbeing support service. Students have access to mental health services 24/7 via telephone or chat. Students can also have counseling appointments for short-term support via telephone or video. You can access the app here.
- Resources in the Colorado Springs community
- Mental Health Resources Hub
- Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience MyResilienceHelp
- Interpreting Services
- Safety concerns
- Department of Public Safety: Contact the police by calling 719-255-3111. If you do not feel comfortable reporting to the University Police Department you may use the university’s online anonymous reporting option.
- Safe2Tell: Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family or your community. This is a third-party reporting run by Safe2Tell Colorado. Safe2Tell will send your report to appropriate school and/or law enforcement officials and verify report receipt and response. You can make a report here.
- CU Ethics line: Anonymously report concerns through this service provided by EthicsPoint, an independent company that provides similar services for hundreds of companies and universities. The service provides a communication option available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. You can make a report to the CU Ethics Line here.
- Office of Institutional Equity: You can report to The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). OIE is the campus office that addresses reports of identity-based discrimination and harassment, and sexual misconduct. They work with individuals to connect them to resources and consider their rights and options to address unwelcome behavior. Even if you choose not to report formally or participate in a resolution process, you can still contact OIE for information and assistance accessing on- or off-campus support services. You can make a report to OIE here. *All UCCS employees are REQUIRED to report alleged violations of the University of Colorado (CU) Protected Class Nondiscrimination Policy directly to the OIE.
- Campus Resources
- Veterans' Health and Trauma Clinic (VHTC)
The VHTC is on the 3rd floor of the Lane Center. Please call or visit their website to make an appointment. Please note that anyone, non-military or military-affiliated, is welcome at the VHTC Phone: (719) 255-8003
- Veterans' Health and Trauma Clinic (VHTC)
- Resources in the Colorado Springs community
- Mental Health Resources Hub
- Colorado State Employee Assistance Program
- Mental Wellbeing courses
- Employee wellbeing resources
- Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience MyResilienceHelp
- Safety concerns
- Department of Public Safety: Contact the police by calling 719-255-3111. If you do not feel comfortable reporting to the University Police Department you may use the university’s online anonymous reporting option.
- Safe2Tell: Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family or your community. This is a third-party reporting run by Safe2Tell Colorado. Safe2Tell will send your report to appropriate school and/or law enforcement officials and verify report receipt and response. You can make a report here.
- CU Ethics line: Anonymously report concerns through this service provided by EthicsPoint, an independent company that provides similar services for hundreds of companies and universities. The service provides a communication option available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. You can make a report to the CU Ethics Line here.
- Office of Institutional Equity: You can report to The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). OIE is the campus office that addresses reports of identity-based discrimination and harassment, and sexual misconduct. They work with individuals to connect them to resources and consider their rights and options to address unwelcome behavior. Even if you choose not to report formally or participate in a resolution process, you can still contact OIE for information and assistance accessing on- or off-campus support services. You can make a report to OIE here. *All UCCS employees are REQUIRED to report alleged violations of the University of Colorado (CU) Protected Class Nondiscrimination Policy directly to the OIE.
Campus Policies
On June 21, 2024, members of the Board of Regents resolved to amend weapons policies to align with state law. Policy 14-I of the Regents of the University of Colorado and Colorado Revised Statute 18-12-105.5 make it unlawful to carry weapons while on the grounds of the University of Colorado.
The CU Board of Regents policy prevents the open display of weapons, including guns, explosives and knives on campus. Only law enforcement officials who display their badges are allowed to openly display weapons while on campus.
Federal and State drug laws, as well as University policy, prohibit the sale, unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance, or of illicit drugs, on university property or as part of any university activity, in compliance with the 2012 Campus Security Report 29 Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act.
Although possession and use of marijuana is no longer a crime under Colorado law, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana in any form is prohibited on campus and/or on any property owned, leased or operated by UCCS, including UCCS student housing.
Our residence life and housing team takes the safety of students very seriously. In the case of roommate conflicts, roommates are usually encouraged to work with their resident assistant (RA) to resolve the conflict, however, room change requests involving safety issues may be made at any time and are given priority. When the university gets a report of roommate conflict, the university investigates it. University staff, including RAs, successfully resolve roommate conflicts regularly.
The UCCS Police Department has several policies that require reporting by all police officers, campus security officers, and campus security authorities. The policies also require a thorough investigation of all reported crimes. Safety concerns are investigated by the UCCS Police Department in coordination with numerous other campus departments that may include the Office of Institutional Equity, the Office of the Dean of Students, Residents Life, and the Wellness Center.
Violence Free Campus Policy (Policy 100-007)
UCCS does not tolerate behavior, whether direct or indirect, that a reasonable person would find to be violent, threatening violence, harassing or intimidating, or disruptive to the work or educational environment or UCCS’s ability to provide services to the public (“Violent Behavior”). Violent Behavior can include: physical acts, oral or written statements (including emails, text messages, and postings on social media sites), gestures, or expressions. (Section II.A)
Individuals who engage in Violent Behavior may be excluded from campus or campus events, and may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment, as applicable. In addition, UCCS may refer individuals who engage in Violent Behavior to local, state, or federal law enforcement authorities for criminal investigation. (Section II.B)
Past Campus Messages
Friday, February 23
Dear UCCS community,
It has been a long and challenging week.
As we take the next steps in this journey, we will continue to grieve the lives that were lost on our campus. The anguish and grief we feel is real, and I am heartbroken.
Grief is a deeply personal experience, but one that we have in common. Together we mourn. Together we grieve. And together, we will heal.
I would like you all to know I have received countless messages of support from our local community, alumni, donors, our Colorado higher education institutions, our sister campuses, the CU system office, our Regents and from local and statewide elected officials wishing us strength and healing.
I have seen our faculty, staff and students step up to support one another, offering kindness, compassion and hope.
This week, I have been proud to be a member of the Mountain Lion family.
I encourage you to visit our resources page and reach out if you are in need of anything. You may also visit our frequently asked questions page and fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you have a question that has not been answered.
Thank you for your patience and grace as we have responded to these events as they have unfolded. As we move forward, we will continue to communicate when we have information to share.
Dear UCCS Community,
With the release of the arrest affidavit on Friday, we have all learned new information about the tragic events that took place on our campus. While that affidavit answered some questions, it also created more, understandably so.
It is frustrating not to have all the answers, and I know how painful learning the details may be as this case continues to unfold. Please understand that UCCS, as a university, is currently prohibited from discussing any details surrounding this case. This direction is from the district attorney’s office and will ultimately allow justice to be served. We are also bound to comply with federal law, FERPA, which limits the university’s ability to share student records.
To put it briefly, the District Attorney’s office is bound by rules that control what may and may not be said during an ongoing criminal prosecution. UCCS falls under these provisions due to the involvement of the UCCS Police in this case. Pretrial publicity can impact the ability to prosecute cases and can result in sanctions from the court. What I can tell you is that UCCS was consistent with all campus policies and procedures, including our housing policies, our Student Code of Conduct and our resolution process, prior to, during and after this incident. These policies and procedures are guided by state and federal law and informed by national standards in these areas.
Some have expressed concern about campus safety last weekend and into Monday, before the suspect's arrest early Monday morning. Although we have learned more through the judicial proceedings, CSPD has reiterated that investigative efforts indicated this was an isolated incident between parties that were known to one another and not a random attack against the school or other students at the university.
We worked throughout the week to share as many facts as we were able to. I encourage you to revisit our alerts page and visit our resources page to learn more about the events of the past week in addition to our campus and community resources that are available to you. You may also visit our frequently asked questions page and fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you continue to have questions.
The judicial process may continue for months and even years. New information may come to light, and we will all have more questions. I ask for your continued understanding that we may be limited in what we can share to allow the judicial process to take place.
I am so appreciative of everyone’s effort during this difficult time. Thank you for your grace, patience and kindness as we navigate through these unprecedented circumstances together.
Dear students,
We wanted to reach out as your President and Vice President, but also as fellow students.
It has been an incredibly difficult few weeks for our campus, and we know they have affected everyone differently. We are all feeling a wide variety of emotions, and Aidan and I encourage you to sit with them and process them in the way that is most helpful for you. If you haven't already, please also use the campus resources that are available. We are here for you and always open to talk if that is something you need. We understand your frustrations, we understand your anger, and most importantly we understand your fear.
However, we must also stress that it is important to remain patient during this difficult time. There are groups on and off of our campus who have sought to divide us by spreading rumors and misinformation. This not only hurts their credibility, but by giving in to these rumors it hurts every single one of us. We must remain unified; we must remain Mountain Lion Strong.
We understand that waiting for information from the University can be frustrating because it often seems delayed, but this is because the University is beholden to laws and policies that outside entities are not subject to. While this wait for information can be painful and sometimes worrisome, we cannot let it cause us to succumb to false information and rumors that only hurt those affected by the tragedy. We must be patient and come out of this stronger together.
If you ever need anything, Aidan and I are always here, and we look forward to working alongside you as we begin to heal.
Tuesday, February 20
Dear UCCS Community,
Thank you for joining your fellow Mountain Lions today for the events on campus. We are stronger together, and your support means so much to our community.
We have just a few brief updates to share.
- Classes will be resuming tomorrow, Tuesday, February 20.
- Dining halls will be resuming their normal hours.
- There will be student and faculty/staff forums tomorrow afternoon to provide an opportunity for dialogue. Please check your email for an invitation.
- Comfort and healing spaces will be available again in the Student Life Lounge from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dear Alumni and Friends,
We would like to take a moment and send our sincerest gratitude to you for expressing your support as we process the recent events. You likely are aware of the isolated incident that occurred on campus on Friday, February 16 that resulted in the loss of two lives. This remains an active investigation.
UCCS closed the campus on Friday and over the weekend. Classes were canceled today, Monday, February 19 to provide healing and support activities for students, faculty, and staff. Classes will resume tomorrow.
Earlier in the week, the university also announced the passing of UCCS senior Mia Brown following a medical emergency at the Recreation Center.
The past week has been devastating to our campus community. As we mourn the loss of those who were taken from us, we will come together as a community and support one another. The campus has provided and will continue to provide various healing and support opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.
Please know that the safety of our campus is always our number one priority. Together we are stronger, and our bond gives us the strength to heal. Thank you for your ongoing support. UCCS has an incredible community of caring alumni and friends, and we truly appreciate you.
Dear UCCS Community,
The Colorado Springs Police Department has shared the name of the suspect they took into custody in connection to their investigation of the shooting that took place on our campus Friday morning. The suspect was enrolled at UCCS at the time of the shooting. I am including their announcement in full below.
I would like to once again extend my thanks to the Colorado Springs Police Department for their efforts, as well as the UCCS Police Department and everyone across campus who have stepped up to help during our incident response.
We will continue to work closely alongside CSPD as they proceed with their investigation.
On Friday, February 16, 2024, at approximately 5:59 AM, the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Police Department received a call of shots fired coming from Crestone House, a dormitory located on the campus. UCCS PD Officers located the room shots originated from and located an adult female and an adult male deceased. The Colorado Springs Police Department received a call for assistance, resulting in the CSPD Homicide Unit assuming responsibility for the investigation.
Late in the evening on Friday, February 16, 2024, the Homicide Unit obtained an arrest warrant for the charges of two counts of Murder in the First Degree for 25-year-old Nicholas Jordan of Detroit, Michigan. Since the warrant was signed, the CSPD’s Violent Offender Fugitive Task Force has been actively looking for Mr. Jordan.
On Saturday, February 17, 2024, the El Paso County Coroner’s Office conducted an autopsy of the deceased female and male. The female was identified as 26-year-old Celie Rain Montgomery of Pueblo, CO. The male was identified as 24-year-old Samuel Knopp of Parker, CO. While the Coroner’s Office will determine the cause and manner of death, Ms. Montgomery and Mr. Knopp’s deaths are being investigated as homicides.
On Monday, February 19, 2024, at approximately 7:52 AM, members of the Colorado Springs Police Department’s Motor Vehicle Theft Unit located Mr. Jordan in a vehicle. At approximately 8:37 AM, the CSPD’s Tactical Enforcement Unit responded and took Mr. Jordan into custody without incident in the 4900 block of Cliff Point Circle East in Colorado Springs.
This is still an active investigation, and anyone with information or who is a witness to this investigation is asked to call the Colorado Springs Police Department at (719) 444-7000; or if you wish to remain anonymous, you may contact the Crime Stoppers Tip Line at (719) 634-STOP (7867) or 1-800-222-8477.
Thank you all for your compassion and support during this incredibly difficult time.
Dear UCCS Community,
The Colorado Springs Police Department has shared that they have taken a suspect into custody in connection to their investigation of the shooting that took place on our campus Friday morning. I am including that announcement in full below.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the tireless work of the Colorado Springs Police Department and the UCCS Police Department. We will continue to work closely alongside CSPD as the investigation continues to unfold.
CSPD has reiterated that investigative efforts so far continue to indicate this is an isolated incident between parties that were known to one another and not a random attack against the school or other students at the university.
On Monday morning, February 19, 2024, members of the Colorado Springs Police Department took a suspect into custody in connection to our investigation into the homicides of 24-year-old Samuel Knopp and 26-year-old Celie Rain Montgomery.
Investigative efforts continue to indicate this was an isolated incident between individuals who were known to one another and not a random attack against the school or other students at the university.
We will be releasing more details about the suspect and charges later today.
The university will continue to share information as we are able.
I appreciate your continued patience, understanding and support of one another as we begin to process together as a campus.
Monday, February 19
Dear UCCS Community,
Thank you for continuing to be a source of strength for your fellow Mountain Lions.
We are sharing a few updates on Monday's events, as well as an updated list of campus resources that will be available on Monday.
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Student Life Lounge - Social Space
Play games, color, eat pizza, and be with fellow students. Light breakfast, snacks, and lunch will be provided.
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.: UC 303 - Community Space for students, faculty and staff
Community space for students, staff, and faculty to gather and be in community. Campus resources, DEI staff, and C.A.R.E. team members are here to provide support.
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.: MOSAIC Lounge - Gathering Space
Another space to be surrounded by resources and community.
10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Berger Hall Healing Circle
The Division of DEI will be hosting a healing circle in Berger Hall. This is a group space for the campus to come together in solidarity, share thoughts and emotions, and create a space to mourn and heal together.
1 – 2 p.m.: Student Life Lounge – Therapy Dogs
Pet, cuddle, and receive some love from our furry friends.
2 – 3 p.m.: Solidarity Walk – Roaring Fork to El Pomar Plaza
We're encouraging everyone to wear UCCS gear. We will begin in front of the Roaring Fork dining hall and walk to the Mountain Lion Statue in the El Pomar plaza.
Campus shuttles will be operating to take participants from UC to Roaring Fork for those who wish to participate in the walk. Parking at UCCS on Monday will be free to all. There will be a heightened police presence on campus. Light refreshments will be provided in each space.
- The Excel Centers will be open from 9 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. and will be offering coffee and snacks.
- The Library will be open from 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. to provide a quiet space for healing.
- The Wellness Center is offering walk-in counseling from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., no appointment necessary.
- The Recreation Center will be open tomorrow from 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. The entire facility will be open, including regular aquatics and SOLE hours, but fitness classes will be limited.
Please review the dining schedule here.
UCCS Solidarity Walk
On Monday, February 19, 2024, the UCCS community came together for a solidarity walk to share thoughts and emotions and create a space to mourn and heal together.
Sunday, February 18
A Message from the Chancellor – Victims Named
Dear Mountain Lions,
The Colorado Springs Police Department has officially released the names of those who were taken from us in the shooting on our campus early Friday morning. I am including that announcement in full below.
As we mourn the loss of Samuel Knopp and Celie Montgomery, my hope is that we will come together as a community, support one another and share in our grief. Please remember that you are not alone.
Sam was a senior studying music and a beloved member of the Visual and Performing Arts department. He was an accomplished guitar player and an extremely talented musician.
Celie, although she was not a student, will be mourned by our campus community.
It is important to me that our community understands that CSPD has said that investigative efforts so far continue to indicate this is an isolated incident between parties that were known to one another and not a random attack against the school or other students at the university.
On Friday, February 16, 2024, at approximately 5:59 AM, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) Police Department received a call of shots fired coming from Crestone House, a dormitory located on the campus. UCCS PD Officers located the room shots originated from and located an adult female and an adult male deceased. The Colorado Springs Police Department received a call for assistance, resulting in the CSPD
Homicide Unit assuming responsibility for the investigation.
On Saturday, February 17, 2024, The El Paso County Coroner’s Office conducted an autopsy of the deceased female and male. The female was identified as 26-year-old Celie (See-Lee) Rain Montgomery of Pueblo, CO. The male was identified as 24-year-old Samuel Knopp of Parker, CO.
While the Coroner’s Office will determine the cause and manner of death, Ms. Montgomery and Mr. Knopp’s deaths are being investigated as homicides. Mr. Knopp was a registered student at UCCS. Mrs. Montgomery was not a registered student at UCCS.
Since the beginning of this investigation, the primary focus has been on the victims of this tragic incident and pursuing justice for them and their families. This remains an active investigation, which includes detectives continuing to develop additional investigative leads and suspect information. Given this case’s active and fluid nature, additional information about those leads and any potential suspect details will not be released at this time. Investigative efforts so far continue to indicate this is an isolated incident between parties that were known to one another and not a random attack against the school or other students at the university.
Our detectives continue working around the clock, and we have intentionally restricted the amount of information made available to the public during the initial 48 hours of our investigation. Having said that, we have maintained ongoing communication with the families of the victims and collaborated closely with the UCCS Police to ensure that plans were in place for safeguarding the campus community.
While acknowledging the difficulty of the situation and the withholding of information in the initial stages of our investigation, we owe it to the victims and their families to deliver accountability and justice for this horrific act.
We will share the information about memorial services as they become available.
This has been a difficult week with the loss of Mia Brown, another beloved student, on Monday. I know we are all mourning, so please, remember that you are not alone. The entire Mountain Lion community is here to support you.
Tomorrow, we will take our first steps, processing and mourning along our healing journey. I encourage you to set aside time to process the tragic events of this past week, both as an individual and in a group setting.
Classes and regular activities are canceled; however, campus will be open tomorrow and we will be offering several events for our students, faculty and staff:
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Student Life Lounge Community Space
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.: UC 303 Community Space
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.: MOSAIC Lounge Community Space
10 – 11:30 a.m.: Berger Hall Healing Circle
1 – 2 p.m.: Student Life Lounge – Therapy Dogs
2 – 3 p.m.: Solidarity Walk – Roaring Fork to El Pomar Plaza
An email with updated details on these events will be distributed tonight.
Please, reach out if you need help. It is the strength of our community, of our bond as Mountain Lions, and our dedication to one another that will rebuild our broken hearts and give us the strength to heal.
Dear UCCS community,
We thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we all process this tragedy together.
The safety of our campus community is always our number one priority, and we understand that it is at the forefront of everyone’s mind as we search for answers, meaning, and information.
We want to assure you that since this incident happened early Friday morning, the safety of our campus community has been and continues to be our top priority. That is why UCCS Police Chief McCarver is taking the lead in working with the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD). We can assure you that if at any point it was determined there was a threat to anyone on campus, the lockdown would not have been lifted.
As mentioned, we have been working with the CSPD 24/7 since the situation unfolded. Their department is the lead on this investigation. As Chief Vasquez said, the Colorado Springs Police Department will do everything they can to bring justice to those who have been taken from us, their families and friends.
We ask for your patience and cooperation as law enforcement continues to investigate this tragedy. As the investigation continues, every bit of helpful information will be shared at the appropriate time. We have been working with the CSPD every step of the way to share as much information with our campus community as we can without compromising the integrity of their investigation.
As we move forward, we will continue to inform the community of any substantial updates as we are able. Our plan for the near future is to communicate at least twice a day to keep our campus community informed. We will provide another update later today.
Friday, February 16
Dear Mountain Lions,
We know that today has been difficult, and that as a campus we are all grieving. Thank you for your patience, understanding and support as we have worked through this difficult day. We have a few updates below on how we can process the events of today, mourn, and begin the healing process as a community.
Campus Closure
Campus will be closed on Saturday and Sunday. All classes, activities and events are cancelled or have been rescheduled.
While classes are cancelled on Monday, February 19, the campus will be open for support and healing. We welcome all of you to campus and encourage you to set aside some time to process and focus on your mental health. Below, you can find more information about those events.
Walk-in counseling will be offered from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at the Wellness Center on Saturday and Sunday, and from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Monday. No appointment is needed, but please note that counselors will be focusing on walk-ins related to the crisis events of this week only.
Please remember that the TELUS app offers 24/7 mental health help and is available to all students.
Please note the dining halls will return to their regular hours starting tomorrow. On Monday, dining retail locations will operate with reduced hours, but all locations will resume regular business hours starting Tuesday.
Day of Healing (Monday 2/19)
On Monday, there will be a day set aside to begin healing as a community following the recent tragedies. We encourage everyone to come to campus and set aside time to process, support one another and heal as a community. Please note, there will be no parking enforcement on Monday.
We will have three open community spaces on Monday for students, staff and faculty: UC303, the Student Life lounge (UC104) and the MOSAIC space (UC110). All spaces will be offering food, comfort and support from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
From 10-11:30 a.m., the Division of DEI will be hosting a healing circle in Berger Hall. This is a group space for the campus to come together in solidarity, share thoughts and emotions, and create a space to mourn and heal together.
Starting at 2 p.m., there will be a healing walk across campus, beginning at Roaring Fork and ending at the mountain lion statue by the library. There will be brief comments by Student Body President Axel Brown and Chancellor Jennifer Sobanet.
We encourage everyone to come together throughout the day to support one another and intentionally set aside time for healing.
Please continue to monitor your email and alerts.uccs.edu for any additional updates.
Dear Mountain Lions,
The past few hours have been devastating for our Mountain Lion community. Our hearts are overcome by grief as unspeakable violence has reached into our home.
First, please know there is no longer a threat to campus and the shelter-in-place order has been lifted.
Campus is closed for the day. All classes, sporting events and other organized university activities are canceled.
While the investigation remains active, this is what we know: Just before 6 a.m., UCCS Dispatch received a call for service regarding shots fired in a dorm room on campus. UCCS Police responded and gained access to the dorm room at 6:05 a.m., where they discovered two deceased individuals. CSPD was notified at about 6:10 a.m. and responded to assist with initial scene security and the investigation, and, at the request of
UCCS Police, assumed responsibility for the investigation.
CSPD is in the early stages of piecing together what happened, and they are in the process of notifying family members of the deceased individuals. There is not an ongoing threat to the community and CSPD is investigating this as an isolated incident. CSPD will release more information when appropriate.
The safety and security of the campus community is the first priority. We are grateful to the first responders from our University Police and the Colorado Springs Police Department for their quick and dedicated response.
And we are grateful to our campus community for heeding the call to shelter in place while officers responded to ensure the safety of our campus, and especially those in Alpine Village who continued to shelter as the event unfolded.
For students needing support during this time, counselors are available at the Cybersecurity building (3650 N. Nevada) from 12 to 6 p.m. today, and
Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the UCCS Wellness Center. Buses will be running between campus and Cybersecurity center today from 12 to 6 p.m., with pickup from the Lodge and Village at Alpine Valley shuttle stops. Food services are available in the Lodge now through 2 p.m. and from 5-8 p.m.
The Wellness Center crisis walk-in hours are Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. You may also schedule an appointment by calling 719-255-4444.
Students can also access 24/7 free mental health support through TELUS Health. This service is available when campus is closed and on holidays.
For students who may need assistance seeking support, please contact the CARE Team.
For faculty and staff needing support during this time, you can contact the Real Help Hotline at (833) 533-CHAT (2428) or reach out to the Colorado State Employee Assistance Program at (303) 866-4314 and let the live response know that you need immediate counseling. If they receive voicemail, they will choose option 2 for live immediate support. If employees are not identifying themselves as in crisis but would like to talk with someone soon, we can schedule an urgent appointment for them beginning today and through next week. If employees would like to touch base with a therapist within the next three weeks, they can schedule through our typical procedures - our web request form or by calling 303-866-4314.
We are the Mountain Lion family, and we are strong. Now is the time to lean on one another, to reach out to one another, to grieve, to borrow each other’s strength.
Dear Mountain Lions,
Today is a tragic day for UCCS. My heart is overcome by grief as unspeakable violence has reached into our home. It is with the utmost sadness that I write to you about an isolated shooting incident that took place early this morning on our campus. We are in shock as we process this tragic loss of two lives. I know that all of our campus community is joining me in sending our love and support to the victims and their friends and family in this time of tragedy.
While the investigation remains active at this time, this is what we know: At approximately 6 a.m. on Feb. 16, University Police Services responded to a call for service regarding shots fired in a dorm room on campus. CSPD was notified and responded to assist with initial scene security, and at the request of UCCS Police, assumed responsibility for the investigation. CSPD is in the early stages of piecing together what happened, and they are in the process of notifying family members of the deceased individuals. There is not an ongoing threat to the community and CSPD is investigating this as an isolated incident.
Please watch for future communications or visit alerts.uccs.edu for the latest official updates. You can find more information about current campus resources here.
I extend my deepest gratitude to the first responders from our University Police, the Colorado Springs Police Department, and all emergency responders and medical personnel for their quick and committed action.
I am also grateful to our campus community for heading the call to shelter in place while officers responded to ensure the safety of our campus, and especially those in Alpine Village who continued to shelter as the event unfolded. Lockdowns and shelters-in-place can be scary or traumatic, but they are issued to help keep our community safe as the police work to ensure that there is no ongoing threat.
We will never forget the lives lost. My heart is broken for the victims of this senseless violence, and I join in grieving with the friends and family who knew and loved them.
We are the Mountain Lion family, and we are strong. Now is the time to lean on one another, to reach out to one another, to grieve, to borrow each other’s strength. Our community of faculty, staff, students, and alumni will support one another in this time of tragedy. Be kind to yourself and know that there is a community here to support you, know that we will heal, but it will take time. Ask for help if you need it. We are Mountain Lions, and together we will overcome this dark time.
Dear UCCS community,
This email is serving as an update regarding the shooting incident that occurred this morning on the UCCS campus.
Campus community members are free to leave campus. There is currently no safety concern to individuals on campus.
We ask that individuals refrain from returning to campus until instructed to do so. The UCCS campus is currently closed.
The UCCS Police Department is working with the Colorado Springs Police Department and we will provide updates as information becomes available.
Please monitor alerts.uccs.edu for updates.
Press Conference
Press conference held at UCCS on Friday, February 16 at 2:15 p.m.