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students on campus

From campus life to academics, we believe UCCS is special.

We're excited that you're interested in UCCS. Our University of more than 12,500 students is home to future engineers, artists, businesspeople, teachers, healthcare professionals, and more. We'd be proud to have you among our Mountain Lion family.

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Campus Visits

Get an up-close look at our awe-inspiring campus.

UCCS is a campus that you’ll be proud to call home. You’ll be academically challenged, as well as scholastically supported while enjoying the natural rigor of Colorado Springs.

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Investigate our scholarships

We do our best to help make college affordable

UCCS helps students receive more than $10 million each year in scholarships. Explore dozens of scholarships tailored to students like you.

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Apply to UCCS today

Apply to UCCS today.

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